Wednesday, March 2, 2011

23 weeks

Projects, projects and more projects.

I talked to the lovely Tija last week and her nesting situation has me getting a little anxious. I want to have the house ready at 35 weeks. So…12 weeks from now the house better be ready! Can we pull it off? I certainly hope so! We still have to remodel our walk-in closet. I’m hoping that won’t be too much of a project. Just a little demo, drywall, painting, flooring and bracket mounting. Ugh. Speaking of remodel, I still have to post pictures. Patience, we still have a ton of boxes around the house waiting to find their permanent home. It’s been WONDERFUL having all this new storage.

Ben and I got the guest room cleared out pretty well and it’s finally started looking like a nursery and less like a room from the show “Hoarders - Buried Alive”. I should have taken some before and after photos. We have a lot of crap for 26 year olds. Speaking of having too much stuff…we got a crib, rug and fabric at Ikea this weekend. We’re getting rid of a bunch of stuff only to buy more. Oh Joy.

I finished the crib skirt last night and I’m really proud of myself. Ben picked the fabric. It was fun watching him think through each option. I’m not too sure I like the color of the nursery anymore after we chose our fabric, but I’ll deal with it. Maybe I just need to change the light bulb in the room. It’s one of those “natural light” light bulbs so has a bit of a blue tint. It works in other rooms of the house but isn’t the best in a blue room.

My next project - book slings. I don’t think it’ll take me very long; hopefully less time than the crib skirt. We only bought supplies for two but I think I may want three once we get these two on the wall. Cute idea, right?

After that I will use the master carpentry skills of my little brother Rob to help me build this tree branch bookshelf. I’m pretty excited about this one. Hopefully we can pull it off.

23 week r

How far along: 23 weeks

Maternity Clothes: I can’t wait for it to be warmer out. I’m looking forward to loose, flowing dresses.

Stretch Marks: None. “They” say that lotion doesn’t help but I’m going to tell myself that it does and hopefully positive thinking will work in my favor.

Sleep: I keep waking up because I’m attempting to sleep on my stomach. I was never a stomach sleeper before, why am I trying to now?

Best Moment this Week: see next question

Movement: Ben felt the Little One move on Monday night! I wish you could have seen his smile. The baby keeps kicking my bladder. It's a funny sensati
on going from feeling like you might pee your pants to feeling normal in a matter of 2 seconds.

Food Cravings: Water, does that count? I’ve been sooo thirsty lately.

Gender: Still unknown!

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button: Innie

What I Miss: Walking up the stairs without feeling out of breath.

What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: Brunch with Brit, little Mia and Tija Saturday morning and some good ol’ mom and dad time in Sartell.

Weekly Wisdom: It’s true. The second trimester is the best. I have a ton more energy and it’s fun feeling the little one moving around all day.


  1. LOVE the tree branch book shelf. You are such a handy little mama. Lookin' great, too. Yay for Saturday!

  2. You did an awesome job with the crib! The bookshelves are going to look sweet. Hopefully the kiddo eventually likes RL Stine so I can get back into Goosebumps.

  3. Such cute ideas for the nursery Marie!! I love the tree branch and the book slings! So cute!
