I’m in single digits! 9 weeks that could potentially be 6 weeks if I’m anything like Brittany. Whoa, 6 weeks. I’m not hoping for early but I’d better be prepared. The nursery is ready to go. Pictures? Okay.
I've had to control my shopping urges on Totsy and Zulily when the books deals come out. They are good online sales but I'm convinced I'll find better deals at stores around town and I'd really like to give the local bookshops more business. I definitely plan on take my little one and all future little ones to the Red Balloon Bookshop and Wild Rumpus. My aunt Ann gave me a cassette tape from the Red Balloon Bookshop when I was little and I can still sing every song from that tape- Chickeree Chick cha la cha la checkalaromi in a bananica bollika wollika can't you see, chickeree chick is me...
Speaking of music, I need to start collecting Raffi music ASAP. It has been my intention ever since my nephew Arlo came along to make felt toys that go with Raffi music; baby beluga, Joshua Giraffe, five green and speckled frogs, fly wearing a tie, etc. If I ever finish any of those toys I'll let you know.
In the meantime, can someone find this onesie for less than $24 for me please?
How far along: 31 weeks
Maternity Clothes: If anyone can find a website or store that has cute and reasonably priced maternity and/or nursing dresses and tops, please let me know. Target and Motherhood just aren’t cutting it these days. Talk about frumpy-wumpy.
Stretch Marks: My belly feels a little tight this week. Lotioning x 10.
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping really well the past week. We can finally sleep with the window open and the fan going… ah…poor Ben still needs an extra blanket.
Best Moment this Week: We spent most of Easter Sunday cleaning out the garage. Ben feels more like a man and I feel more at ease. I wish we’d taken before and after photos.
Movement: I keep freaking myself out when the little one doesn’t move at least once an hour. But, I’ve been told that’s okay. Chances are I’m just not paying attention or can’t feel it because I’m moving around too much. There was a solid kick to my ribs this morning. Ouch.
Food Cravings: Watermelon. I’m assuming this is because I’ve been having a lot of conversations about watermelon. Most involve me referring to “folding a watermelon” as I bend over. :: insert huffing and puffing sound ::
Labor Signs: None. Super!
Belly Button: I don’t think it’ll ever pop and that is okay. For those whose belly buttons did pop, when did it happen? Did it happen gradually? I won’t wake up with an outie all of a sudden, will I?
What I Miss: Shopping at Anthropologie and I will continue to miss it even after baby. Too spendy.
What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: The MS walk in Sartell on Sunday. My brother Jim said he’d take out anyone who makes fun of my preggers pace. If I walk too fast I start having contractions. They may be Braxton hicks but they are contractions and they aren’t comfortable.
Weekly Wisdom: Slow down and take it all in. Everything will be changing very soon.